Top 10 Awesome Experiences in Japan: Aomori in Autumn

Oirase stream, Aomori

Oirase stream, Aomori

There are many Best Japan lists. Japan is a country where much is amazing: the food, the service, the scenery, the festivals, the food… There’s almost too much to do, and see, and add to that Bucket List – though for some reason, many of the same places and recommendations keep coming up.  Kyoto’s temples, the floating gates of Miyajima, Niseko – all wonderful and worthy places to see, but are they the most awesome experiences in Japan?

Over ten top blog entries we will add some to add the list:

Aomori in Autumn

Although Aomori is a long slog from almost anywhere, walking through Oirase river gorge in autumn makes the drive worth it. The hike itself is easy, without much up or down, and with bus stops dotted along the way, hikers can decide how much of the 9 km course they are prepared to walk. The scenery however is really what settles this in the long-term memory.

Oirase river

Bridges frequently crisscross the stream, allowing for a picturesque shot. Adventurous photographers can also wade into the stream, though in October it is very cold.

Visitors hoping for the autumn colours, should aim for late October to early November and during the peak viewing season, the roads are blocked off for safer pedestrian passage. The rest of the year, and other seasons, are gorgeous too, so please walk carefully when near the road, because no-one wants to stumble into oncoming traffic while entranced by the scene.

While the roads cross close to, and run alongside, the river, the think vegetation often blocks it from sight.

While the roads cross close to, and run alongside, the river, the thick vegetation often blocks it from sight.

The perfect position

The perfect position, midstream, in summer, with hours to spend getting the picture right.

Bring a picnic lunch to extend your awesome experience a little longer.

Bring lunch. There are picnic tables.

Japan-Guide provides an excellent run down of access options, and how to take buses from nearby towns, Nenokuchi and Yakeyama. Considering how far it is to Aomori, it’s advisable to stay overnight near Lake Towada, itself a beautiful destination, and in order for more chances to go out, walk, admire, and extend one of the 10 most awesome experiences in Japan for another day.

Beautiful falls

Once you go, you will often find yourself wishing you could go back…

12 thoughts on “Top 10 Awesome Experiences in Japan: Aomori in Autumn

  1. Pingback: Top 10 Awesome Experiences In Japan: Hokkaido Sea Ice | Where Next Japan

  2. Really nice photo, I have been to Japan for several time but most of the time was winter time 😦 that’s sad I would have though going there next time during Autumn so I could experiences some places that your were offered through the picture 🙂


  3. Pingback: Japanese Love of Kouyou, Autumn Leaves in Aomori | Discover Japan

  4. Pingback: Autumn Adventures: Hiking Mt Nijo in Nara | Where Next Japan

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