Old Japanese Song

I heard her singing before I saw them. A close knit family of adult children, prone to laughing, supporting their elderly parents as they enjoyed the golden hillside scenery of Oishi Kogen in Wakayama. Her husband, looking a little more frail than she on a chill late October afternoon, would occasionally join his deeper voice to hers.

After circling the family for a while, I finally built up the courage to approach, to tell her how much I enjoyed her song, and if they would mind my recording and uploading a video of it.

She was quite eager to agree, though I think had to squish down a bit of stage fright. As she sung, we stood enjoying the slightly surreal moment. Her husband, off camera, eyes closed, moved his hands like an orchestra conductor.

Song sung, the family moved to leave, and I heard them laughing as they made their way down the slopes.

Thanks to Serune-san, I now know this is called the Thistle song, and the lyrics (in Japanese). I regret not asking the name of the singer, but I’m grateful for the sweet moment and the ability to share it.

4 thoughts on “Old Japanese Song

  1. It sounds like this song:



    山には山の 愁(うれ)いあり
    海には海の 悲しみや
    ましてこころの 花ぞのに
    咲しあざみの 花ならば

    高嶺(たかね)の百合の それよりも
    秘めたる夢を ひとすじに
    くれない燃ゆる その姿
    あざみに深き わが想い

    いとしき花よ 汝(な)はあざみ
    こころの花よ 汝はあざみ
    さだめの径(みち)は はてなくも
    香れよせめて わが胸に


  2. Pingback: Susuki Skies In Wakayama | Where Next Japan

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